Unleash Creativity with Light Painting
One of my favorite techniques in photography is light painting; others call it light drawing or light graffiti. It is named such because you do your composition by playing with light depending on your mood and imagination. You get to unleash your creativity at the same time you showcase two great forms of arts which is painting and photography.
This is a unique freestyle photography because it gives the artist the freedom to compose its subject. I find it exciting because the finish product is always a surprise since you will see your masterpiece only after it was captured. You end up doing it over and over again until you come up with greatly different, unique and stunning set. Here are some of my light paints:
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This is a unique freestyle photography because it gives the artist the freedom to compose its subject. I find it exciting because the finish product is always a surprise since you will see your masterpiece only after it was captured. You end up doing it over and over again until you come up with greatly different, unique and stunning set. Here are some of my light paints:
Click on image to enlarge

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