Earn Cash from Your Blog or Website

I just recently got engaged into blogging from the time I bought my domain (enjayneer[dot]com). It's kinda fascinating that you get to share your thoughts with anyone, anywhere in the world effortlessly. But do you know that through blogging, you can earn money that is equivalent to a regular worker's income? It sometimes can go more than that depending on what we call in the blog world as "opps" or "opportunities". Basically, you will get paid simply by writing for an advertiser’s product. Isn't that amazing?
As a stepping stone, you need to get a blog of your own, start writing and building traffic and credibility through it. Two of the simplest hosts where you can put up a blog is Blogger.com or WordPress.com. Creating it is not that complicated because everything you need to do on your blog is already pre-loaded. All you have to do is customize it. My friend from TheHealthlines[dot]com wrote some interesting points about blogging and how to get your own blog. You can check out the article for your reference.