Barry Oh! Another First from President Barack Obama

Number one on the list is Angelina Jolie followed by Oprah Winfrey who has been top on the list for the previous two years. Next to her is Madonna while Beyonce landed fourth.
This annual listing by Forbes' is purely based on both media reputation and earning power of a celebrity.
Here are the top ten of the 100 powerful celebrities of 2009 with their pay in million dollars:
1 Angelina Jolie - 27
2 Oprah Winfrey - 275
3 Madonna - 110
4 Beyonce Knowles - 87
5 Tiger Woods - 110
6 Bruce Springsteen - 70
7 Steven Spielberg - 150
8 Jennifer Aniston - 25
9 Brad Pitt - 28
10 Kobe Bryant - 45