Works of Art by Stephanie Clair

One of the marvelous inventions of man is Arts. I grew up to be a kid who loves to paint and got immersed into different arts hobbies like sculpting and interior designs. But above all these, I am proud to say that I paint and it's a feel good hobby for me. I have always dreamt of becoming a famous painter and organizing my own photo gallery exhibit. I have collected some of my works from the time I learned how to paint. Some were perfectly preserved but others were wiped down due to age.
I have seen marvelous painting of different artist and all are having unique style and way of composing their subjects. One of the artists I personally like is Stephanie Clair. Looking at her creations made me realize that painting really is a magnificent work of art. Clair uses a technique where she combines a subtle color choice with the touch of her panoramic imagination therefore arriving to solidifying and putting into visibility her emotions and thoughts. Her paintings are indeed a representation of true excellence. I simply love the way she creates her composition.
If you are interested in getting her paintings, you check on the link and choose from her many beautiful galleries displayed through it.