Dangerous Fact About Microwaving Water

I quickly googled this topic and searched for facts and explanation about it. Microwaved liquids don't usually bubble even if it reach boiling point. It is a term in science called superheating. Superheated liquids react only when it is moved or disturbed. As in this case, the cup was moved thus causing the water to shake. What happens here is water heats faster even before the bubbles build up. The liquid continues to rise in temperature and it does not release the heat as it is trapped inside. And when it is bumped or moved, the excited bubbles quickly escape thus creating a dangerous outburst.
This strongly happens to pure water and as explained by the FDA, the risk will be greatly reduced when impurities like coffee or sugar is added. Pure water needs a nucleation space like a textured surface or rough material for bubbles to develop quickly and help vapor to escape out.
Photo from Wikipedia